masters virtual program
APRIL 2, 2025 - December 17, 2025
Step beyond time, into the realm of free will where you can manifest the world as you dream it to be. Imagine the beauty we will create for those who will inherit the Earth.
It is time to transform. The difficulties of our time; war, famine, dis-ease, social unrest, pollution and economic challenges are all intrinsically part of one root cause - the disconnection from the natural world, who we are, and the severing of the feminine principles of life: receptivity, belonging, feeling, community, energetics, nourishment and harmony with our environment.
We have lost connection to spirit, reverence, gratitude, love and unity.
This life time gives us the opportunity to re-balance and restore the ancient awareness of humanity to create peace, equality, compassion and well-being for all.
This is the opportunity to answer the call of who we are, reclaim our destiny and understand the purpose of why we have come here now.
masters of energy medicine
• Ceremony • Authenticity • Practice • Rites & Rituals •
intuitive medicine ARTS
Ancient methods of mystery, art, mysticism, energy and magik. Energy Medicine & Shamanism recognize that we are more than just a body and a mind, we are a soul with purpose, and unlimited power. Now in the face of transformation, we are being asked to re-establish order to maintain balance . This begins with the mother - the feminine principle where all life manifests.
Learn the in-depth ancient feminine rituals of shakti yoga, the five elements and shamanism to help transform consciousness, health and well-being
the divine order
Tools for transformation
Transformation is the work of mother nature. Her intelligence guides us towards our dharma - the correct order of nature and life. At times re-alignment can appear as suffering, pain and dis-ease. This disharmony is asking for rectification. We can look at this as "Adharma" or that which is out of order, is the opportunity to to transform our lives and re-align with our true path. Throughout this course, we will explore practical tools to help us to re-align with our highest destiny, heal, transform and restore harmony in our lives and our world.
Ceremonies and rituals to heal past wounds and future patterns based on cycles of belief.
Holistic, individual approach to life to create the right conditions to flourish for each person.
Energy, chakras, aura reading, healing, energetic protection, journey work, animal totems, spirit guides, astral projection and tarot.
Access higher realms of the mind through inner sight and divination.
Soul retrieval, tracking, destiny retrieval, ancestral healing, conscious transformation.
• Body • Breath • Psyche • Soul •
300hR Curriculum
Intensive training in intuitive arts
time line shifting
• Exploring the places we hold wounds in the body, mind and emotions.
• Transmuting, healing & transforming the consciousness of the disempowered & victim wounds to arrive with wholeness and authentic power
• Alchemy of the spirit: shedding the past his-story and stepping into a new paradigm of empowered consciousness
• Learning to clear the energy body and unconsciousness limiting belief patterns.
Learn to clear emotional and mental imprints and patterns across time and space and all dimensions.
the healing spiritS
Rediscovering the embodiment of grace and personal power through rituals, rites and ancient wisdom practices.
Self Empowerment, Self Love, Self Acceptance
Mantra for Women's Health, Strength & Vitality
Body Prayer: Goddess Yoga & Rebirthing Practices
Building the Ojas and the Sensual Body
Rituals & Rites
Energetic Archetypes & Tarot
The Five Elements
Astrology and Ayurveda
Subtle Anatomy: Chakras & Kundalini
Discover moon medicine to unlock the cycles of the dream catchers. Learn how to remap the dream into conscious reality.
Dream travel, rituals, meditations and analysis
Understanding and resolving our shadows and projections
Ancestral beliefs/inheritance that no longer serve us
Dissolving the seeds of karma from our ancestors
Healing the wounds of the ancestors, working with the ancient aspects of our collective memory
Tracking – intuition of past and future
Exploring the sabateur archetypes
Authentic Expression
Moon Dance
akashic records
Discover moon medicine to unlock the cycles of the unconscious that repeat karmas bound by time. Establish sacred conscious intention to realign the rhythms of the body and transform the unconscious.
Dark Moon
Rituals for energy Protection & Clearing Space
Removal of darkness and shadow
Creating safe space for practice and healing
Fire Moon Ceremony & Elemental Moon Ceremony
Moving beyond the consciousness of fear and death
Intuition through, scanning, energy, chakras, aura reading, healing, energetic protection, journey work, animal totems, spirit guides, astral projection
Ancestral Healing, underworld healing, subconscious healing
astral travel
Dissolving our identity as a means to truly understand the nature of our existence. The feminine and masculine ideologies become free when we no longer adhere to old concepts, limiting beliefs and conditions that serve the myth and ladder of human supremacy. To truly explore equality of all sentient beings we can choose to dissolve the orders of identity and embody all archetypes through the passage of time as a means to wholeness.
Exploring the human roles we embody
Transforming limiting perspectives of masculine and feminine roles and energies
Letting go of the personality, ego, intellect, knowledge as our identity
Dark Empress of the Soul - The insight of losing one's identity as a means to awaken truth
Becoming invisible to be fully seen and step into our authentic power
Practices and tools to let go, forgive and accept to remain resilient and truly become a new
Becoming: Rites of passage a rituals of womanhood through the steps and stages of life. Birthing the mother and healing the inner child.
Despacho Ceremony
Mandala Making
Cacao Ceremony
Sacred Water Ceremony: Menstruation, Birth and Dying
Ancestral Ceremony: Resurrecting balance with the past
Gifting & Receiving
Rebirthing & Dying Consciously (Transforming)
Sand painting rituals, chakra clearing practices and reestablishing the subtle body of awareness
Aura reading, stone reading and the psychology of story telling
celestial navigation
Every living being belongs here on Earth. It is your birth rite to be here. If we do not know why we are here, or what our purpose is, we can begin the journey to the self by uncovering the truth about what we want now, what our true desire is and the dream to exist. We can then map how we can begin to walk this path with conscious awareness in the world. This is essential to walking the path of our inner discovery.
Astrology & Star Reading
Connecting to the soul of the world and her desires
What is the Earth's true history and what requires healing?
Dreaming a new psyche and world into being
Soul Retrieval
Mythic mapping the new consciousness
Establishing the highest destiny for ourselves and the Earth
healing alters
Reclaiming a feminine power that does not need to wear the pants. We liken a strong woman to a woman who leads as a man has been conditioned to lead, who does not express emotion, who practices sports and war like a man and we call this independence and power. But this is still weighed into the cultural norm that a man and what he does represents power. Can a women be receptive, gentle and kind still be perceived as powerful?
Exploring our inner landscape
Stepping into true power to be seen in the world as our authentic self
Finding your authentic voice
The peaceful warrior: vulnerability without the need for armour
Release from collective feminine shame and judgement
Inner safety, self-worth and sexual power
Personal intimacy with the self and the other
Transformation, Integration & Transcendence
masculine & feminine rituals
Here we examine the roles, the words, the feelings and the expressions of divine masculine and feminine to bring clarity, unity and peace within.
The wounded Masculine
The sacred Union
Loving and perfect balance the inner feminine and masculine
Spiritual Love
Love, Non-Attachment Death & Transcendence
The Goddess Within
The North Star: Finding your own inner guide
Reaching the goddess within
Divine inner connection
The inner Alter of Source
Reclaiming the divine feminine power
Inner Strength & Boundaries
Energetic Boundaries
Balancing the subtle body, chakras, pranas and subconscious thought processes.
Transforming emotions and thoughts with the breath
Becoming seen and stepping into the new empowered mythic journey
Ready to join?
become an energy medicine practitioner
Space is limited for this Transformational Training