sacred pathways
Navigating the path of Self Discovery
Tat Tvam Asi (तत् त्वम् असि)
a shamanic journey of the soul’s evolution
november 24, 2024
You came here with a purpose and a reason. It’s time to remember to walk that path, fully. Uncover the depth of who you are and take the steps to live your greatest destiny.
~ nicole mahavir
everything is the mind until it is known, Then it becomes the heart.
There is something deeper beyond the comprehension of the mind which can only be known and experienced.
The subconscious mind speaks to us in dream, archetype, symbol, vibration, colour and sound. It is through these subtle mediums that we can transform the mind. To create a new map of life, we must visualize, attune to higher vibration, action our will and intention and create space for a new reality to manifest. Journeying is an ancient art of travel through the cosmic consciousness to heal wounds, reveal inner wisdom, transform limiting beliefs, create new potential and release what is meant to be left behind. Everything already exists, including your highest reality. It exists within the unconscious mind and the cosmic world. The subconscious is the past the unconscious is the future. Yet the unmanifested reality has no timeline. Any possibility and all possibilities exist.
This course is designed to bring deep transformation and healing as a means to help you awaken your own inner lamp to light your path with awareness, to help you transform and know what is truly possible in this lifetime. You will learn to guide journey’s based on your own connection to your higher self, your innate power and your divine wisdom. You are the knower, the healer, the intuitive and all resources are available endlessly at all times. — Memento Mori —
one who has walked the path will know how to lead you home
Recognize, see and remember who you are
Deepening knowledge of Shamanism, The Medicine Path and Ancient Systems of Healing
Transform wounds, create a new narrative and remap your destiny
Uncover the shadows that keep the authentic self safe and hidden
Cultivate skills for group classes, workshops, or a private practices
live online program
November 24, 2024
The hero only has one requirement to complete the journey, they must remember to love themselves.
self acceptance, self love, self transformation
This course is open to anyone who wants to learn more about themselves, to deepen their practice or facilitate transformational journeys.
date & time
Wednesdays 6:00pm - 8:30pm EST
Sundays 9:00am - 11:30am EST
Each class begins with an opening practice followed by discussion and observation. After reflections we will explore an in-depth topic with time for questions and answers.
Recordings of each session will be made available to our students for a short time after the live session.
This is an opportunity to delve deep into intuitive practices and to learn and to teach from a lived places of wisdom. We invite you to join us in an experience of self-evolution, self-introspection, and clarity with wisdom guided by inner guidance, trust and connection.
Ready to join?
the moment you make a change thE world changes
Instructor training
The past does not know who we are. We do. But we must free ourselves from the old stories of who we think we are. For this, the ego must begin to release itself. This is the beginning of clearing the path and becoming the dream weaver.
Remapping the childhood narrative through story telling, journeying and vision quests
Seeing as the witness, exploration of fears and shadows through the great eye of the condor eagle
Exploration of the subconscious mind through conscious dreaming
Unlocking the dream world for great insight into our subconscious programming and the dream of the collective unconscious. Resolving and re-weaving the dream.
From the dream-weaver we step past the obstacles of the past by understanding who we have chosen to embody as the archetype.
How do our personal archetypes enable us to transform, keep us who we are, create innate identities within us, and hold us to belief?
We will explore our own inner archetypes and inquire within to help them transform and alchemize
Spirit animals as messengers and aspects of our consciousness will also be resourced as a reflection of who we are
Tarot and story telling will be transformative vehicles for cultivation of inner work
Collective themes will be explored and transmuted until we become faceless, where all is possible.
soul retreival
Where are the parts of us that we have left behind?
How do we journey to find them and re-integrate them?
You will learn the art of reclaiming one-self, the parts that were abandoned, closeted, let go of and shamed
We will also investigate the aspects of us that need to be released and create ceremony to integrate our movement towards wholeness.
Eliminating contracts, agreements and approvals that no longer not serve us.
Permission : Mapping a new system of being based on our knowing, courage, power and wholeness.
destiny Retreival
Re-viewing life from the future and create the reality that is already waiting for you. We will call on the medicine wheel as a map of symbols that enable us to see our reality more clearly. What are the gifts of the symbols that we embody? How do they serve us and how do they limit us?
Regression of past lives from the eye of the future. Reclaiming and healing karmic wounds to better design our future self.
Meeting with the Elders and others who hold knowledge about our very being to help us inform new decisions and new ways of being.
Before the dawn we will meet ourselves fully. The final inner battle is won by the surrender to love. We will then enter a world where fear and separation no longer exist.
Entering into the parts of us that we cannot see
Exploring the wounds we hold, naming and transforming them through a journey to wholeness.
Meeting the demon: saboteur, inner darkness, inner conflict, dark fantasy, self-betrayal, self-defeat, self-control and self-manipulation, inner war
False memories and false narratives that no longer protect us or serve us
Feminine and Masculine collective wounding
Self Compassion, Self-Kindness, Self Forgiveness
Self Healing & Witnessing
Cultivating Creativity & Inspiration
Exploring subconscious patterns through expression
Ending the cycles of suffering
elemental journeys
The body is a portal that requires safety to do it’s work in the world. How do we re-establish safety, vulnerability,
Discovering how the 5 elements live within your body and determine how you perceive the world
Balancing the elements of life
Space: Becoming a bridge to the higher worlds
Water: Birthing yourself & Emotions
Air: Consciousness & Creativity
Fire: Awakening the Truth
Earth: Grounding & Manifestation
Transforming the elements through the chakras
Journeying to remap, cleanse and alchemize the elements within you
Mapping a new body with new memory of the future
— Memento Mori — The journey of death : Experiencing the infinite, moving beyond time
Entering into the quantum vibration before things manifest
Discovering what lies beneath emptiness, love, sorrow and fear
Recomittment to the self and forging a new path
Expereincing the way beyond death
Meeting with your higher guides and journeying to the other realms within
Healing Time: Generational Wounds & Patterns of Suffering
Becoming the Elder: preparing for the new generation
Practicum & Facilitation Skills
The authentic voice: words of truth, leading from the place of knowing
Inner Listening: Acting upon the messages and guidance of spirit as you journey
Journeys for children
Contraindications for Journeying
Becoming a bridge for the language of the soul
Leading and Scripting various practices
Creating workshops & Themes